The Womb Alchemy journey (formally know as the Womb Spiral) is a potent and transformational feminine journey through the 7 gates of the womb, awakening and activating the magic held within the body. Though this journey, you will connect more deeply with your own power, pleasure, feminine wisdom, divinity and creativity, activating and awakening your womb so that you may step forward into higher alignment with your soul. It is for women who wish to live and find their purpose, to clear a path for conceiving a baby or creative venture. To call in abundance and raise the consciousness of the planet. To return to their bodies and heart. Through the womb gates, you journey with themes such as trust, gratitude, nurture, devotion, love, innocence, longing, sacred union, surrender and ecstasy.
Womb Alchemy uses emotional clearing techniques through each of the womb gates, along with feminine embodiment practices, meditations and more to support you as you soften, open, receive and align with the aliveness of yourself and of life.
Let go of what no longer serves and reclaim your radiance
Release old trauma, wounding, and baggage, personal and ancestral
Cultivate deeper trust and safety to life and in yourself
Change the way you experience and open to love
Increase your magnetism and manifest with more ease
Increase pleasure, sensation and more fully embody an orgasmic life
Embrace your feminine power, creativity and sensuality
Welcome more abundance in your life
Deepen clarity around your soul's purpose and path
Develop an intimate connection with yourself, your body and menstrual cycle
Conceive and birth with power and grace
Feel deeply held in sisterhood
Gate 1 - Labia
Release shame, embodying and increasing trust
Gate 2 - G-Spot
Open to deep gratitude, nurture and flow, embrace your full feminine nature
Gate 3 - Clitoris
Open to deeper pleasure, increase devotion and worship of yourself and your body
Gate 4 - Cervix
Release judgement and ancestral conditioning, reclaim your innocence and open to love
Gate 5 - Womb
Release neediness and codependency, claim your longing, increase inner union and become magnetic
Gate 6 - Creation Point
Release ego, rigid thinking, and the need to control. Surrender to your soul and allow it to guide you
Gate 7 - Cosmic Womb
Embody ecstasy, feeling the infinite potential you hold within. Let go of attachments. Allow yourself to be reborn